Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Senior Project Reflection

1) Positive Statement
I am most proud of my determination and ability to meet all deadlines throughout the year because it shows how dedicated I was to this project.

2) Questions To Consider
a) I would give myself a P on my 2-Hour Presentation because I feel I did well, but I didn't do anything special.
b) I would give myself an AE- given my performance throughout the entire senior project. I've always been on task and produced quality work for every component and aspect of my project.

3) What Worked
No aspect of the project being a group effort. I got to show how I work on my own.

4) What Didn't Work
Nothing comes to mind. I enjoyed senior project and I think it was my favorite project at iPoly.

5) Finding Value
The senior project taught me how to really back up things I say with evidence. It also taught me not to worry about little things in life.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Service Learning

Service Learning Hours Log
Contact: Dennis Thorbourn. The Glass House Concert Hall. 818.720.2945

What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
The most important thing that I learned at The Glass House was that you have to learn to put aside your own opinions during the planning of an event. Sometimes it's for the better of the entire group you're working with or sometimes it's for the client. I realized the similarities between concert production and event planning, such as the major part about pleasing the client. I found that concert production is more complicated because there are several parties to please instead of just a couple.

How did what you did help answer your EQ? Please explain.
My service learning helped answer my EQ by showing me all avenues of concert production including the good and bad. I was lucky enough to have service learning that was directly related to my topic, so I literally got to see concert production unfold before my eyes. I got to see several things that were important to producing a successful concert experience.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Helping 2013

I interviewed Brittany Ho on Tuesday April 24th during elective.

(1) What ideas do you have for your senior project and why?
Honestly, I’m not planning on coming back senior year, so I haven’t put much thought in it, but if I did stay, I would choose concert production or social work. I would choose concert production because it would be fun and social work because that’s what I want my career to be and I know it would look good on my college applications if they see I’ve been working on stuff like that.

Roz (Feedback): I think concert production would be good because you have the resources for it, but social work would be a little more challenging unless you have someone in mind that could help you with that.

(2) What do you plan to do to complete the 10 hours of service learning (working with an expert) which is due prior to senior year starting? Note: They also have to complete the 50 hours during the school year.
Well, like I stated in the previous statement, I'm not planning on coming back to iPoly. So obviously, I haven't given much thought to how I'm going to do that. I really have no idea. 

Roz (Feedback): Well if you do concert production, My dad can always help. And since you have Glass House connections, there’s other people there that can make the project easy like they did for me.

(3) What do you hope to see or expect to see when watching the class of 2012 present their two hour presentations?
I hope see some pretty interesting topics, nothing boring please. If I'm going to be sitting around, watching a presentation for two hours, I would hope that it would be entertaining or informative.

Roz (Feedback): Just go into them with an open mind. Last year, I didn’t want to watch them either and the first one I watched (Matt Briggs’s) completely blew me away and made me automatically interested in the project. I saw a lot of good ones, so you should have a good time.

(4) What questions do they have about senior project? What additional recommendations would you give the 2013 student about senior project? Be specific and note what you told them.
I think the whole point of it is to learn how to back up your opinions with factual evidence. I thought it was actually really fun. It’s especially gratifying to know that you’ve done a good job all year and didn’t give up like some of your friends. The key is just to pick something you either really like or have connections with. I think that’s the only flaw in the system. You can’t just pick anything. I would’ve loved to do a senior project on cake decorating or baking, but I didn’t want to end up changing everything about my project like so many people had to do. And Stay at iPoly! It's worth it.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Indpendent Component 2

“I, Roz, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.”
I held an event at The Glass House with 6 hip-hip & techno DJ's.
Independent Component 2 Hours Log

This demonstrates 30 hours of work because I had to first create an event proposal to send to the managers of The Glass House and negotiate a date. I then had to create a flyer and negotiate an amount and price with Colorprise printing. I had 1,000 flyers printed. I went to local high schools and related events and promoted my event by passing out flyers. I managed to get all the DJ's to work for free since I didn't have any money to work with. I had to come up with a budget to work with. I also had to work with Mike Whited, the head of security at The Glass House, to get 2 security guards to work my event.
The day of the show, my mom and I went to Smart & Final to buy snacks and drinks. Unfortunately, I didn't make any money at all. I actually lost money, but I think that's iPoly's fault for not supporting the event and helping promote it. Luckily I had a lot of people that helped me. Thanks to them!
-Jesus Diaz & Kevin Salazar DJ'd. 
-Elijah Robledo & Angel Macias managed the lights
-Josh Salas was my booking agent
- and Brittny Jansen was the only person from the senior class that came and supported the event. 

My EQ is "What is most important in producing a successful concert?" This event helped me answer that by showing every aspect that goes into holding an event. I basically got to see and proved all of my answers. It definitely proved my best answer by showing me that if you don't promote and aren't supported, then things aren't going to go well. I also got to experience losing money, which was very sad :( but we had a lot of fun and we'll definitely do it again.


Event Proposal:

Friday, April 13, 2012


Answer 1: Find a venue with appropriate characteristics for the genre of music you are promoting
Answer 2: Thoroughly promoting by utilizing a street team and social networking sites
Answer 3: Negotiating contracts and decisions

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Answer 3

EQ: What is most important in producing a successful concert?
Answer 3: Negotiating contracts and decisions is most important in producing a successful concert.

1. Band Riders. *Thailand story.
2. Guarantee/Door Split
3. I have had to negotiate with people for the date of the event, staffing, flyers, and entertainment for a club event that Norma and I are hosting for our 2nd Independent Component.

1. Service Learning at The Glass House
2. Note By Note: A Guide To Concert Production by Redwood Cultural Work
3. Independent Component 2

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Room Creativity

How do you plan to address the room creativity expectation?
By having a lot of concert posters all around the room. 
I'm thinking of making collages of small flyers to put up. 

What activity ideas do you have for answer 1 or 2?
Answer 1: Something similar to the activity during my 20 minute presentation.
Answer 2: Have groups of 5 create a concert poster with a line-up for the genre assigned to them. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Answer 2

EQ: What is most important in producing a successful concert?
Answer 2: Thoroughly promoting your concert by utilizing a street team and social networking sites is most important in producing a successful concert.

  1. If you have a street team and cover all the concerts in the area, you will be unstoppable. Flyers can also be distributed to different high schools and colleges/universities (Ex. Members of the Club Matinee Street Team that passes out flyers at iPoly.)
  2. ReverbNation- A website where venue and band profiles can be created on Facebook and people can sample the music of upcoming shows. (Ex. The Glass House Profile)
  3. Guerilla marketing techniques (Ex. stickers and wheat pasting)
  1. 3rd Interview with Rene Contreras 
  2. Service Learning at The Glass House Record Store with Rene Contreras
  3. www.weburbanist.com article "So... What Is Guerilla Marketing?" 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Product

Product as of March:
I have all the necessary knowledge to produce a successful event
(Which I will do if all goes well for my Independent Component 2)

-I have learned about and practiced promotion with Rene Contreras.
-I have observed several successful concerts at The Glass House & Fox Theater
-I have learned how to practically spend money on snacks to maximize profits with Cameron Corp
-I have learned the basics of live sound engineering with Dennis Thorbourn and Manny Sanchez
-I have learned about and practiced being a roadie/stage hand with Kevin DeFranco
-I have learned about band hospitality with Brandon Cuarisma

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fourth Interview Questions

1. Aside from technology, how have tours changed over the years?
2. What kinds of venues have you worked at before?
3. How important do you think a band-venue relationship is?
4. What are some things that are unique to The Glass House as a venue?
5. What is most important in producing a successful concert?
6. What are some major differences between large scale and medium scale concert?
7. In your opinion, what is the most effective technique in promoting a concert?
8. How do acoustics of a venue affect the concert experience?
9. What specific aspects make a concert unsuccessful?
10. What are some valuable skills that you've learned from working at The Glass House?
11. What are some negative experiences that you've had with touring bands?
12. How important do you think concert promotion is?
13. What are some things to consider when creating a band lineup?
14. How can stage effects help and hurt a performance?
15. Which is your favorite venue that you have worked at?
16. What kind of things have gone wrong during shows at The Glass House?
17.What is the most important thing to consider when choosing a venue?
18. What was the most successful event that you've worked at? What made it successful?
19. How have advances in technology affected your experiences in concert production?
20. What are some key factors to producing a successful concert?

Monday, February 13, 2012

Independent Component 2 Plan Approval

1) Write a description of what you plan on doing for your independent study component.
For my second independent component, I will be working an additional 30 hours at The Glass House. This will include, but is not limited to, set-up and break-down of live concerts, working with Rene Contreras on promotion, and learning the fundamentals of live sound mixing and venue acoustics.

2) Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours of work.
If I help with the set-up and break-down of shows and learn about mixing, that's about 8 hours, so I could go to a few of those and work with my dad. Since he's not at The Glass House all the time, I can use one of my other options to complete whatever hours I don't do with my dad.

3) How does your independent study component relate to your EQ?
My second independent component will show me some of the different jobs that go into the whole concert production business. I have a variety of people at The Glass House that are willing to help me with it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Independent Component I

-I, Roz, affirm that I have completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
-I have worked at several concerts at The Glass house. I set up for the concert which included plugging everything in, I performed soundcheck with the bands, stayed and observed the show with my dad, and helped clean up after the show. I've also helped out with organizing The Glass House Record Store.

-I've posted a few blogs about some of the concerts I've been at that also include photos of what I've done. Each show including set-up and everything is about 8 hours long.

-It helped answer my EQ because it's first hand experience with concert production. I get to see everything unfold before the show. I also get to work with a lot people associated with different areas of concert production. I've worked with Cameron (Manager & runs snack bar), Dennis, Manny, and Jason (Audio), Brandon (Lighting), Rene (Promotion), and Kevin and Alex (Stage Hands).

Hours Log

Here are some photos from the set-up of the most recent concert
Falling In Reverse- 1/14/12

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Answer 1

One thing that is most important in producing a successful concert is finding a venue with good acoustics.
-During service learning, my dad explained to me that The Glass House didn't always sound good and that they had to be innovative in finding ways to fix it.
-Mix Magazine article on venue acoustics
-Mix Magazine article on sound absorbing materials

-Service Learning with Dennis Thorbourn
-Mix Magazine: http://www.mixonline.com/mag/audio_venue_acoustics_groundup/index.html
-Mix Magazine: http://www.mixonline.com/online_extras/sound_absorbing_materials/>

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Service Learning

Where are you working for your service learning?
I am working at The Glass House Concert Hal and The Glass House Record Store in Pomona

What is your contact?
I have a few different contacts, but the main one I am working with is my dad, Dennis Thorbourn.

The services I have performed to reach my 10 hour requirement are setting up for different live bands, soundchecks, shopping for the snack bar, observing the actual show, and taking everything down after the show. I've also helped out in The Glass House Record Store for a few hours. I've worked at 4 different shows with my dad, which usually last around 8 hours each. 


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Third Interview Questions

#1. What is most important in producing a successful concert? Why?
#2. What are some positive experiences that you've had at The Glass House?
#3. How do you think the variety of bands affects the success of the venue?
#4. What are some valuable skills that you've learned from working in the record store?
#5. On a scale of 1-10, how important do you think flyers are to a concert? Why?
#6. What are some negative experiences that you've had at The Glass House?
#7. How do you think location of the venue affects attendance? Is The Glass House in a sound location?
#8. What are some valuable skills that you've learned from passing out flyers?
#9. In your opinion, what are the key factors to a successful concert? Why?
#10. What are some things that are unique to The Glass House as a venue?