Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Answer 1

One thing that is most important in producing a successful concert is finding a venue with good acoustics.
-During service learning, my dad explained to me that The Glass House didn't always sound good and that they had to be innovative in finding ways to fix it.
-Mix Magazine article on venue acoustics
-Mix Magazine article on sound absorbing materials

-Service Learning with Dennis Thorbourn
-Mix Magazine: http://www.mixonline.com/mag/audio_venue_acoustics_groundup/index.html
-Mix Magazine: http://www.mixonline.com/online_extras/sound_absorbing_materials/>

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Service Learning

Where are you working for your service learning?
I am working at The Glass House Concert Hal and The Glass House Record Store in Pomona

What is your contact?
I have a few different contacts, but the main one I am working with is my dad, Dennis Thorbourn.

The services I have performed to reach my 10 hour requirement are setting up for different live bands, soundchecks, shopping for the snack bar, observing the actual show, and taking everything down after the show. I've also helped out in The Glass House Record Store for a few hours. I've worked at 4 different shows with my dad, which usually last around 8 hours each. 


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Third Interview Questions

#1. What is most important in producing a successful concert? Why?
#2. What are some positive experiences that you've had at The Glass House?
#3. How do you think the variety of bands affects the success of the venue?
#4. What are some valuable skills that you've learned from working in the record store?
#5. On a scale of 1-10, how important do you think flyers are to a concert? Why?
#6. What are some negative experiences that you've had at The Glass House?
#7. How do you think location of the venue affects attendance? Is The Glass House in a sound location?
#8. What are some valuable skills that you've learned from passing out flyers?
#9. In your opinion, what are the key factors to a successful concert? Why?
#10. What are some things that are unique to The Glass House as a venue?